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The analysis of wastewater is essential to ensure both compliance with the discharge authorization or municipal sanitation ordinances, as well as to know the performance of the purification processes.
What wastewater analysis do we perform?
We perform all types of physical, chemical and microbiological analysis of wastewater for industries of all sectors and public entities.
- We offer the service of integrated sample collection 24 hours or punctual, as well as the services associated with the optimization of the facilities.
- We have a free sample delivery service in less than 24 hours from anywhere in Spain, as we have collaboration agreements with several couriers.
- We have extensive experience in both the analysis and control of wastewater treatment plants.
- We offer the analyses carried out by a Collaborating Entity of the Administration and accredited in UNE- EN 17025 standards.
Why is it important to perform a wastewater analysis?
Periodic monitoring of the discharge water is mandatory to ensure the protection of the environment.
Therefore, the regulations themselves require it of all those who carry out dumping, but it is also an aspect of environmental responsibility.
Avoid sanctions by the Public Administrations for not having proceeded in accordance with current regulations.
Legislation Applicable to Waste Water Analysis
- ORDER MAM/1873/2004, of 2 June, which approves the official models for the declaration of discharge and develops certain aspects relating to the discharge authorisation and settlement of the discharge control fee..
- ROYAL DECREE 1620/2007, of 7 December, which establishes the legal regime for the reuse of treated water.
- ROYAL DECREE-LAW 11/1995, of 28 December 1995, establishing the rules applicable to the treatment of urban waste water.
- ROYAL DECREE 2116/1998, of 2 October, amending Royal Decree 509/1996, of 15 March, implementing Royal Decree-Law 11/1995, of 28 December, establishing the rules applicable to the treatment of urban waste water.
- RESOLUTION of 25 May 1998, of the Secretary of State for Water and Coasts, declaring the «sensitive areas» in intercommunity river basins.
- RESOLUTION of 10 July 2006, of the General Secretariat for Territory and Biodiversity, declaring the Sensitive Areas in the Intercommunity Hydrographic Basins.