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Measurement, Analysis and Elimination of Water Hardness
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In our previous post we told you what it is that water is hard,and the normal values of water hardness. In addition to the water that is recommended depending on the use we give it.
In the next post we are going to get into practice! We are going to tell you how tomeasure the hardness of the water, the processes for its elimination and the types of hardness. Not all situations are the same.
Go ahead with it!
How is water hardness measured in a water analysis laboratory?
The professional technique of water analysis will differ as you can imagine a lot from what you can do at home. But in the case of companies it is advisable to go to a water analysis laboratory to obtain a somewhat more rigorous result and thus guarantee that the equipment that processes the water does not suffer damage.
In the laboratory we obtain these values through specialized tools such as the photometric meter. With devices like this we will obtain the exact values of dissolved salts. And then to be able to complete the study knowing that salts are those found in the water.
It is a more rigorous method but it is very precise,at the same time that it can be used to analyze other components of water, in addition to hardness and that are important.
How can we measure the hardness of water at home?
If what you want is to measure the hardness of the water in your house, obviously you are not going to do with expensive equipment. You can always use a specialist to perform the analysis. But if you want a quick result you can have it with a reactive test.
There are numerous companies on the market that offer reactive tests,so it is important that it is of quality, in order to guarantee greater reliability to the measurement of water hardness.
These tests that if they will not allow us to know the exact compositions. What they allow us is to know if we are facing a hard, very hard, soft water or if it is within the parameters considered «normal».
Use these reactive tests with caution, as it is not the most reliable or recommended test technique. In the event that the water is going to be used for human consumption we strongly ask you not to resort to it since you are putting your health at risk. Go to a company specialized in water analysis, like us.
Also do not resort to these tests if the water is going to be destined for use in industries. Water pumping equipment and industrial machinery are expensive investments. You will not want to end them because of the damage of the lime, as we mentioned in our previous post.
Can the water hardness level be reduced?
Of course. It is quite simple and what is better: many of the systems for the elimination of lime can also be used for the improvement of water in many other parameters.
In all cases before being able to give a single solution, it is best to resort to a company specialized in water treatment. Since the characteristics of the water, use that is intended to give it and the volume of water that needs to be filtered, will mark that one or another solution is necessary.
For industrial systems it is best to resort to professional decalcification systems since they are the ones that will best remove the water and will allow greater treatment flow. The same happens for water that will be destined for irrigation or agricultural uses.
In cases of domestic use, except in specific cases, it is best to resort to a reverse osmosis system. This way we will eliminate excessive salts from the water but we will also add other fields of action such as the elimination of bacteria, viruses, sediments etc …
In any case if you want you can ask us. We will advise you on the most appropriate solution for your case, being able to install the solution or send you the equipment.
The investment in water quality will result in better health as well as keeping the machinery in proper operation (not only industries have machinery, your washing machine, dishwasher or hydromassage systems are very sensitive to clogging and corrosion by using very hard water)
What are the types of water hardness?
When we talk about the hardness of water, you know what it refers to: the amount of salts contained in water, which are usually mainly magnesium and calcium. If you want
But not all the hardness of the water are the same, that is, a water with a certain level of hardness can be different and have a different physical chemical behavior, to another water that has the same level of hardness. Why? Because although they have the same salt content, they can be different.
It is important to differentiate by two large groups of salts. For those that disappear with evaporation and for those that do not disappear through evaporation. Thus we can distinguish:
Temporary hardness
It is the one that can be eliminated when the water is boiled or when calcium hydroxide is added. The hardness that is removed when the water is boiled is because the main causes of hardness are carbonates.
Waters with very high temporary hardness are the cause of producing stalactites and stalagmites. The process is very illustrative.
Caves of this type usually occur in mineral formations of calcareous character, that is, in formations that are usually known as limestones. As these materials are relatively soluble and are sensitive to erosion, when the water passes it forms the cave; part of that rock is eaten, giving rise to the cave, and causing that water to be high in mineral salts. It gives rise to a hard water.
The water continues to flow through the rock formations but in smaller quantities, so that it also drags calcareous materials from them. But now it does so at a slower pace.
With this, the water falls drop by drop, filling with calcareous mineral salts. The droplets fall so slowly that they evaporate before rushing to the ground, and leave their mineral salts in the rock formation. So they form the stalagmite or stalactite.
It is possible because the water has hardness, but this hardness is temporary.
Permanent water hardness
The permanent hardness of the water is not eliminated by boiling the water. Unlike temporary hardness. It is not because the cause of the hardness allowed is due to the presence of chloride salts, calcium sulfates, magnesium sulfates.
Curiosity: Hard water in appliances
Surely if you have read our two posts talking about the hardness of water, it has become clear that it can be relatively dangerous for our health to consume water with high hardness or that it can cause considerable damage to industrial machinery and irrigation equipment.
However, sometimes we can think that they are distant problems,which only affect large machinery. Not really. Nothing could be further from the truth. Water also affects household appliances, hydromassage appliances and duct systems in your home.
The effects on household appliances are especially relevant on those that heat water. You know why, because of the different behavior of temporary and permanent hardness. So coffee makers, boilers, thermoses, boiling systems, dishwashers and washing machines the damage is especially serious.
If very hard water arrives at your home, it is best to contact us, we can install a system that ensures a longer useful life, avoids plugging of pipes and corrosion of them, quality water for the consumption of your family and also less damage to the fabrics of washed clothes or crockery. Water decalcification and filtration solutions are not just for professionals.