What is the acronym ETAP?

woman with crystal clear water

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Surely if you have come this far you have found the
acronym ETAP
in some regulations, technical documentation or you have passed requirements about water treatment.


What is the acronym ETAP?


They are the acronyms that correspond to Drinking Water Treatment Station. That is, it is a water treatment plant.

It is a station or installation because it has several parts, in order to complete the process. And it is intended for the treatment of drinking water, that is, it takes water from the sources of collection (rivers, canals, channels, springs or from the sea) and pours drinking water into the network; that is, water that meets some health requirements and that therefore can be cosumed by people without risk to their health.

Also the water generated by the ETAP (Drinking Water Treatment Stations) can be used for irrigation, filling of swimming pools or for industrial uses. Although for efficiency criteria it is not the most recommended since these waters do not need such strict requirements. It may not even be suitable for specific industrial uses, where the water needs to be pure (as compared to water for human consumption which cannot be).


What types of ETAP are there?

Broadly speaking, there are three types of Drinking Water Treatment Stations (ETAP):


1) Conventional Technology ETAP


They are drinking water treatment stations that have only the following specific processes: coagulation, flocculation, decantation or sedimentation, and also filtration.


2) Direct Filtration ETAP



It is a type of drinking water treatment stations, which differ from the rest by the treatment processes it has: coagulation-decantation, rapid filtration and optionally flocculation.


3) Multi-Stage Filtration ETAP (FIME)


It is the last of the large types of drinking water treatment stations. In this case the water treatment processes it has are: dynamic coarse filtration, ascending coarse filtration and finally slow filtration in sand.

If you are considering the construction of an ETAP or the hiring of a company that takes over maintaining the facilities,do not hesitate to contact us. The first consultation is free!

